
Gabriela Hydle has worked as a pre-school and middle school teacher since 2001. She began focusing on Montessori education while working as a pre-school teacher in Guatemala but it wasnt until she moved to California and began working at Highland Hall Waldorf School in 2008 that she found her true passion.

She began working in the nursery as an assistant and later began teaching as the Spanish teacher for grades one to eight. If you were to ask Gabriela about this time she would describe it as transformative as it completely changed her philosophies regarding teaching.

This is because her previous training taught her that children needed to be taught in very specific ways while a Waldorf education is much more free-form. The teacher is more of a guide and the children learn on their own. This difference in teaching took a few years to fully adjust to but after watching the children grow she learned that they seemed much more independent and confident in their selves. Most importantly she found that the children learned just as well as children who were taught through other methodologies.

She fell in love with the philosophy and she began attending any educational session or conference she could attend. She also began working towards her Waldorf certification.

In 2015 Gabriela and her husband welcomed their son Cayden Nicholas Hydle into the world and while it was a difficult decision to leave California and the community she had built she and her husband moved to Colorado.

Upon making the move, Gabriela did not slow. She immediately became involved with the local Waldorf community in Denver and Boulder and continues to work on completing her Waldorf certification.

Gabriela Hydle currently holds a BA in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Rafael Landivar University, is a certified Waldorf Language Education and Early Childhood Development Teacher from The Waldorf Institute of Southern California WISC. In 2018 she completed RIE (Magda Gerber´s Educaring Approach) Foundation Course and is now currently pursuing her Waldorf early childhood development certification through Sound Circle in Seattle, WA.

“Receive the children in reverence; educate them in love; let them go forth in freedom.” ― Rudolf Steiner